Close to Home
Creative writing with residents and staff at a care home in Chigwell, formed the basis of a documentary video. The work was supported by Lynda Tona, activities organiser at the home.
Accounts by older people living in care, are read to camera by care staff. The film was first screened as part of the homelife event in Chigwell Row Wood; a 'cinema lounge' was set up under a marquee in the wood.
The stories reveal homes, places and people left behind, and the film also addresses the perception of care work as low status, showing carers positively and highlighting the importance of the relationships built between staff and residents.
Residents and staff attended the event in Chigwell Row Wood; 'The residents didn't stop talking about it over the weekend and told anyone who would listen.' - Lynda Tona
'I had a look today and watched Close To Home, which was incredibly moving. I really liked the idea of having the carers read out the transcript. I would love a copy for our collection! As it records residents reflecting on their past and their present, it would fit in well with our oral history collection. But there is also the potential to include it in future exhibitions - depending on the deposit restrictions of course. '
- Carien Kremer, Epping Forest District Museum